- Publisher: IceBox Publishing
- Available in: Hardback Paperback, Audio, Ebook Any Format!
- ISBN: 978-1490939223
- Published: July 7, 2013
Connor Murray is back! While fighting for his life in a personal crisis, Connor realizes to his shock, he must also fight his own government. Corrupt officials are tied to an ancient cause that is still playing itself out in a very real way in our lives today. And what is sugar? Sugar at its root is energy. Who controls energy controls the world. The black helicopters are coming…
“L Todd Wood has the ability to boil down complex international issues into a thrill ride of suspense and that feeling of just not wanting to stop reading! Sugar doesn’t disappoint!”
John Sullivan
Producer, Writer, Director
America: Imagine the World Without Her (2014)
2016: Obama’s America (2012)
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“Those of us that had read Todd Wood’s previous book, Currency, this sequel was awaited with bated breath. I have to say that the author has outdone himself and created a sequel that excels over its forerunner. Other than one small part where the hero seems to step out of character (or am I expecting him to be too much of a hero and not just a man), the story races from one surprise to another. At the same time it ties together a lot of seemingly disparate factual situations occurring in the world today. Let us just hope that this book is fiction and the the denouement in the last paragraph of the book is the result of Wood’s fertile imagination.”
“I won’t even discuss the ending, except to say, “fasten your seatbelt!”
“When I closed the book at its conclusion, I was stunned. Call it a form of readers “Shock & Awe.”
“…you will be SHOCKED. This work is simply more pure genius from L. Todd Wood…”
“The ending will literally blow your socks off: it did mine as I jumped up fist-pumping while yelling, “YES!” Five Stars; Recommend Highly!”
“Another nail biter as the author leads you down a path of international intrigue and adventure, with some unexpected twists of fate along the way and a surprise ending you will not be ready for.”
“An eye-opening thrill ride that will make you question everything you think you know and hear about current affairs and polarizing media reports.”