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“A riveting thriller obviously written by a man who has been there and done that! Somewhere Tom Clancy is smiling!”
Tom McDevitt, Chairman, Washington Times
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Here’s where the book started…luckily for me, unlike some reporters I know, I had an iPhone…
Connor Murray is back! Connor is living in Israel, enjoying life when his world changes in a matter of seconds…for good. Will he see Natasha again? What is the world searching for before it’s too late? What is the Motherland? I’m more excited about this book than any I have written so far. It’s a powerful story. Motherland is a page turning, hair raising, thrill ride. The ending is shocking of course…as usual, you won’t see it coming.
“I was way more shocked at the ending of this book than I thought I would be. More so than I think Conner was to see who the title represented. Now, to awaiting the arrival of the next book out. I am hoping for a part 4 anyway.”
“A must read! Keeps you going right to the end no matter how late it is.L TODD WOOD has created a series that makes you wonder…fiction or reality disguised. I can’t wait for the next book.”
“Starts fast and keeps going. L Todd Wood emerging as one of my favorite authors.”
“Exciting read; Connor has an adventurous life and enjoyed reading about the Geopolitical issues which are current today!”
“If you truly want to understand why the U.S. government is so messed up, just read the Connor Murray series. Although works of fiction, it isn’t difficult to believe that there is some truth in these tales.”
“A really awesome read expertly weaving in current events into a great read. Very enjoyable.”